WoT dating videos
by Mat Bloody Cauthon

This board looks quiet. There is no catchy red announcement thread. You, administrator, makes this an announcement! Bring some life back.

I thought we could play a game, you know, get the whole community involved. So, lets make dating videos with our favorite characters. I'll start it off with Rand.

Rand: Hi, umm...I'm Rand al'Thor. I'm a shepard from the Two Rivers and my most recent occupation is...you know, world ruler. My interests include defeating the Dark One, traveling, um...conquering nations..uh...talking to myself, stopping the Forsaken (they won't ruin our date, I promise), long walks on battlements, stuff like that. I think that my good qualities are being a dynamo in bed, hiding my emotions, protecting the ones I love...oh yeah, I definitely don't kill women! That's always a plus. What am I looking for in a woman? Well, I'm actually here for three women...yeah, I'm a swinger. So if you're into that...yeah...awesome. This body wasn't built to pleasure just one woman, let me tell you! If lightning is flashin', don't come a bashin! So if your interested, I'll have my Asha'men come pick you up.

So, you get the idea. I can't wait for someone to do Cadsuane. Let's make this board rock!


by Galad the Spiffy-Neat

"My name is Cadsuane. I'm an Aes Sedai, born in Far Madding. My interests include needlepoint, etiquette, and S&M (I've spanked the bottoms of two kings and three kings, and smacked the Dragon Reborn around, in case you were interested). My good qualities are my impeccable posture, power, and experience. Qualities I look for in a man include: submissiveness, ability to follow orders, competence in excuting said orders, and the ability to use some sort of phallic weapon. I do not like men who talk back, raise their voices, speak out of turn, mutter under their breath, curse, dress like an Asha'man, brood, sulk, pout, have a temper, are discourtious, frown, accept advise from anyone else, don't keep their eyes lowered, speak without having been spoken to, or have a sex drive. I'm looking for a man who will follow me around and do whatever I tell him to, will keep his (worthless) opinions to himself, and will carry my sewing kit. Oh, and don't think you're going to be able to hit this hot thang: I don't believe in indulging with my Warders. "


Egwene: Hi, my name is Egwene al'Vere, and no you can't call me Eggy.
by Rugbyplayingashaman

Director: Five, four, three, two, one...you're on.

Egwene: Really? I don't see a light blinking or anything.

Director: It's a new camera, made by...wait, we can talk about that later.

Egwene: What is the picture quality like? Does it save on a hard drive or a disc?

Director: Don't worry about that...look, just describe yourself to the camera, and what you are looking for in a partner, okay?

Egwene: Hi, my name is Egwene al'Vere, and no you can't call me Eggy. Actually, call me Mother. Actually, don't, that would be disturbing on so many levels - just call me Egwene. But only in private. And only when my underlings are not around. Actually call me Mistress in private. Yes...I'd like that...

(Egwene pauses, and composes herself, adjusting the blue slashed skirts of her green dress)

Egwene: I'm a very driven person; my career is very important to me. I've been accused before of being a "Type A personality" (Egwene makes the quotation sign with her fingers), but...well, I guess that is accurate, but learning as much as possible is very important to me. I deal with a lot of research and development, administration and legal research...so I really need a guy that understands that I have a lot on my plate. When I come home, all I really want is a back rub, maybe a massage at my temples, and to talk about topics not related to work.

(Egwene pauses for a few moments, adjusting her stole absently)

Egwene: I guess what I'm saying is that I want to date a guy that is pretty, but not stupid. I don't want philosophical debates, or require much in the way of a personality, just have a great body, great smile and the ability to hold a conversation. Oh, and try to keep up with me, but don't get in my way.

(Egwene smiles sweetly)

Egwene: Are we done? I looked over my release and it said I have the right to pre-approve my interview footage.

Director: (mutters) Noone reads that release...(raises his voice) Well, we can do that later, thank you.

Egwene: (stands up) Okay, where is the editing suite, or I'll need to get my attorneys involved. (holds up a copy of the release, stands up and goes off camera.


HI, My Name is Galad.
by callandor1000

My name is Galad. I am currently the leader of an insane cult of people who...look for the truth. I like doing what is right...well most of the time anyways. I can be a little naughty. Especially with the boys. Don't tell anyone though. My group thinks i'm a man and boy are they wrong. Did i mention i like boys? I'm looking for a bad boy. Good girls always find bad boys so sexy and i'm the same. If your naughty some find me. I'm sure we can find a good stable, and if your game, we'll get Bela in on the action too.


I do be Bayle Domon
by Light in the Night

In case you do be wonderin' bout my head bein' half-shaved and full-beard but no mustache, it do be the work of some half-mad barber from the other side of the Aryth Ocean to be blamin! Aye, that be the reason and no other! The ear-ring do just be from a wild night o'drinken', too.

And what I do be doin' for a livin'? I be a pirate. Aye, and you do be realizin' it gets lonely on board ship with only men around? That do be why I be settlin' for anything without a mast between its legs. Or a hairy back. I do be gettin' tired of that.

Would you be wantin' to see my pegleg now lass?

And I do be lookin' for a new cabin boy, too.


Hi I'm Rahvin
by sidious

I've always loved women, and they've always loved me. Even the ones who hate me, eventually learn to love me. Now, I have a sensitive side, and I'm an excellent kisser... see.... OH! .... shy Now, I'm not old - these wings of white are highlights to make me look distinguished. Women like that. And in case you're wondering, these are manicured nails. I've had compliments from Lanfear, Semirhage, Mesaana, Moghedien, Graendal and Demandred. So if you're up for a muscled, amazingly good looking, sexy man - then stop thinking about that sissy Galad. You want a bad boy - they ALL want bad boys... now come to me baby... winky

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