The Forsaken play games
by sidious


Moridin and Sammael play Chess

Moridin : Check
Sammael : Tsag!
Moridin : Checkmate.
Samamel : Bajad drovja!
Moridin : Shut up.

Demandred and Mesaana play General Knowledge

Mesaana : Comelle.
Demandred : Correct. Again.
Mesaana : My general knowledge is profound.
Demandred : Okay Mesaana. I've got a hard one for you.
Mesaana : Oh Barid.. I've waited years for you to confess.
Demandred : Wha..?
Mesaana : ... And my loins ache for you too.
Demandred : Gross.

Semirhage and Lanfear play cowboys and indians

Lanfear : You are caught, Semirhage. Now surrender.
Semirhage : Grr...
Lanfear : Surrender! It's the rules.
Semirhage : No.
Lanfear : What!?
Semirhage : For years you have raped our homeland and our women. For years you have plundered our sacred ground and stolen our livestock. Now our blood flames with the cries of wrath!
Lanfear : *scream*

Aginor and Asmodean play snap

Aginor : Snap!
Asmodean : Aw

Moghedien and Rahvin play Monopoly

Rahvin : Go to the Bore. Directly to the Bore. Do not pass go. Do not collect 200 saidar.
Moghedien : No! Again!
Rahvin :
Moghedien : Wait... I have a 'get out of the Bore free' card.
Rahvin : Fine, use it then. But I have estates down that whole line of M'Jinn street. Prepare to soil yourself.
Moghedien : Aw

Graendal and Be'lal play Cluedo

Be'lal : Okay, here it goes.
Graendal : I'm waiting.
Be'lal : Bethal Bedal Babib with the shocklance in the Collam Daan.
Graendal : Shit.
Be'lal : Elementary my dear Graendal.
Graendal : What gave it away?
Be'lal : The angreal in the storeroom. As if anyone would leave one there!
Graendal : Mrr...

Moridin and Sammael play checkers

Moridin : And there.. and there... and there...
Sammael : Why you little...
Moridin : Shut up.


by DomA

Graendal: "And so, as I told Be'lal the last time I say if you look very closely at the picture, the maid is half hiding her hands in her streith dress like this and the vague cloudiness of the dress clearly betrays deep subconcious guilt and the way she threads her fingers means she used the rope. And of course it's always sex at the bottom of it, so I say : The maid with the rope in the bedroom. //looks in the envelope. "Oh crap - you cheated like Be'lal and ruined my psych eval technique again by tweaking the cards with the power!

Asmodean: "Nah... I'm spending all my strength on that ball of light, I tell you. You just suck at this Graendal. You just can't keep it simple. You mark clues on the little sheet of paper, you don't psychoanalyze the pictures on the cards!"

Graendal (with a shifty look, she threads her fingers hidden in her streith dress becoming vaguely cloudy): "Graendal with balefire in the pantry - is that simple enough for you?"

As the flash of light vanished, Graendal dusted her dress and sniffed. "Ah, I must work on my fear of losing again, it makes me too impulsive. I definitely should have forced him to eat his harp first. Oh well, I'm sure I can find someone at home for re-enactment therapy."


But how would they do at Risk: The Game of World Domination?

by Fanatic-Templar

Here's how I see it...

Ishamael has divided his force throughout the board, with no apparent viable strategy to claim victory, but he keeps saying 'everything that has transpired has done so according to my design'.

Sammael has taken Oceania and bottled up his forces in Siam. He appears to have more men there than any other player combined, but he's not moving out.

Demandred hasn't made a worthwhile move yet. He has some worthless troops in the Northwest Territories and Argentina, and he's holding three cards, muttering 'just one more...'

Graendal conquered part of eastern Asia from Rahvin and Sammael, but has since been on the phone and not paying attention to the game. Ishamael has stated that 'If she's not back by next turn, I'm bringing Aginor back to play for her.'

Semirhage had control of Africa and laid down a card set, and somehow managed to get her entire forces wiped out lashing out randomly. Lanfear suspects that was all part of her plan, but Ishamael replied 'No, I know ridiculously complicated plans. She just sucks.'

Mesaana has been holding most of southern North America since the beginning of the game, and has an alliance with Demandred who controls the northern parts. She proudly claims that North America is one of the best continents for both production and defense, apparently oblivious to the fact that the continent is only worth anything if you control it all. Oblivious as well to Demandred's shifting eyes whenever someone brings that subject up.

Lanfear was eager to claim that she would conquer Europe, but she got her armies wiped out by Ishamael. He uncharacteristically spared her in return for favour after the game. She's now stuck in Iceland, fighting Moghedien and unable to get the upper hand.

Moghedien got herself wiped out from most of the board early on and has been hiding in Greenland since. She appears to be emulating Demandred's strategy, but she has so far only obtained one card. Her greatest threat now is Lanfear.

Asmodean tried to be friendly with everyone, but he refused to give Siam to Sammael. He is... no longer competing in the game.

Everyone thought Balthamel was Demandred cornered him in Venezuela, but he pulled out a trio of cards and managed to reclaim most of South America, where he has been in a stalemate fighting Demandred. He has since been looking towards North America and muttering about 'changing playing fields'.

Aginor miscounted his starting infantry and began with half as many soldiers as everyone else. He was practically destroyed by Ishamael, but managed to pull out some cards and retreat into Alaska, where he was slaughtered by Demandred, who mistook his forces for Graendal's vanguard.

Be'lal kept taunting Semirhage, hoping to draw him into his holdings in Africa, spreading her forces too thin so he could surround and capture her. Apparently, he had forgotten to remove Moghedien from Madagascar.

Rahvin tried to conquer Asia right off the bat. This scared Aginor (not that Rahvin really cared), Graendal, Ishamael, and Sammael. He lost his last country the next turn.


by Rallanby

Moridin: I am the greatest logician who ever lived! I have mastered games of skill far beyond the grasp of the simpletons who live in this age, children who call No'ri "Stones" and think it mirrors life's complexities. Why I doubt a man has been born in this entire age who can outsma-

Fain: E-7.

Moridin: You... you sunk my battleship.

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